Bob Koenig, Type 1 IMT
Robert ‘Bob’ Koenig has been working with Early Alert, Inc. since 2010, serving as a principal member of our instructional team — as SME, Lead Instructor, Project Manager, before becoming Director of All Hazard Training in 2013. Bob is currently a member of the Southern Area Red Type 1 Incident Management Team, a Planning Team Manager and Logistics Section Chief with Texas Task Force 1, Urban Search and Rescue. Bob also serves as an Adjunct Instructor with the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas in the enhanced incident management – unified command program.
In 2005, he retired from the Texas Forest Service after serving as the State Incident Management Team Coordinator and Chief of Incident Response Training. Bob was responsible for oversight of 17 All-Hazard Type 3 Incident Management Teams strategically located throughout the State of Texas for state and national response. In addition, Bob was a member of the Texas Forest Service Lone Star State Type 2 Incident Management Team, and co-authored the revision to the current “USFA Type 3 Incident Management Team—Instructor Guide.” Bob served as Chair of the National Incident Management Support Team (IMST), National Integration Center (NIC), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Prior to joining the Texas Forest Service, Bob worked for three years as Program Manager for the Texas Engineering Extension Services’ (TEEX) Urban Search and Rescue Division; for 19 years as an Internal Affairs Officer, Management Auditor and Agency Risk Manager for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; and was the agency’s representative to the State Emergency Management Council.
Professional Experience
Bob has met all instructor qualification regarding National Incident Management System (NIMS): Training Program (NIMS) and U.S. Coast Guard All-Hazard National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) Performance Qualification Standards, and in his 35+ year career has instructed over 30 All Hazard Incident Management Team O-305 courses, more than six Command and General Staff for Local Incident Management Team courses, and over 40 command and general staff position specific courses. He also has been an Exercise Leader and Exercise staff member. Bob’s emergency response deployments include numerous natural and man-made incidents including:
- as Incident Commander, Liaison Officer and Planning Section Chief for Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ivan, Dolly and Ike;
- as Planning Section Chief to the Space Shuttle Columbia explosion and the World Trade Center incident with Texas Task Force 1;
- in a variety of command and general staff positions including Incident Commander, Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief and Logistics Section Chief to numerous tornadoes, floods, and law enforcement related incidents, including the Yearning for Zion Ranch incident in 2008 involving Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints;
- in incident management positions to NFL Super Bowls and Major League Baseball World Series events, as well as political conventions; and
- most recently commanded and coordinated incident management support team deployments for 2017 Hurricane Harvey and Irma thought out South Florida and 2018 Hurricanes Florence and Michael.
Bob’s was as the state’s incident commander on the Bastrop County Complex Fire Unified Command in September 2011, the most costly fire in Texas history. Bob has planned, facilitated, and written final reports on 12 After Action Reviews, including AARs for Hurricane Ike and the Bastrop County Complex Fire. Bob is also an NWCG qualified Liaison Officer and Training Specialist.
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