Planning makes it possible to manage the entire life cycle of a potential crisis. Strategic and operational planning establishes priorities, identifies expected levels of performance and capability requirements, provides the standard for assessing capabilities and helps stakeholders learn their roles. The planning elements identify what an organization’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) or Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) should include for ensuring that contingencies are in place for delivering the capability during a large-scale disaster.
Business Continuity & Resiliency Planning
Hazard Identification, Analysis & Vulnerability
Incident Action Plan Preparation
Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Plan
NIMS Compliant Planning & Maintenance
Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning (CEMP)
Risk Assessments & Gap Analysis
Debris Management Planning
Hazard Mitigation Planning
Logistics & Resource Management Planning
Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP/COG)
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
Evacuation Planning
Long-term Recovery Planning
EMAP Accreditation & Reaccreditation
An efficient and successful recovery starts well before a disaster event takes place. The key components to coping with a disaster and recovering from its effects are:
An Effective Preparedness Plan
Early and timely warnings and advice
A sound response plan
A well-coordinated, progressive recovery plan
To help our clients accomplish this, our team is able to provide experienced, all-hazards planners to support the evaluation, creation and/or revision of all planning documents in support of your disaster response and recovery operations and to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and requirements.
Early Alert provides Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) using a 4 step common risk assessment process that helps you agency or business understand its risks and estimate capability requirements. The THIRA process benefits you by mapping you risks to the core capabilities, enabling you to determine desired outcomes, capability targets and resources required to achieve their Capability targets.
What do we need to prepare for?
What shareable resources are required in order to be prepared?
A well-coordinated, progressive recovery plan
The THIRA process helps communities answer the questions above. Outputs of this process inform a variety of emergency management efforts, including: emergency operations planning, mutual aid agreements, and hazard mitigation planning.
All Hazard Training (AHT), A Division of Early Alert, is a comprehensive program designed to prepare organizations to deal effectively with emergencies arising from natural and man-made hazards. The key to successful crisis management is a staff of well trained responders equipped with the proper tools to minimize adverse impacts during crisis situations.
The AHT staff works with clients to help identify their risk exposure and to customize a training program to prepare for emergencies, to operate effectively during crises, and to mitigate losses from disasters.
All-hazard consulting and technical services training
USFA Type 3 Incident Management Team (AHIMT O-305)
Incident Management Team Sustainment Exercise Program
National Response Framework (NRF)
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Educational and Health Care Safety and Crisis training
Government Continuity of Operations
Emergency Response Strategies & Tactics
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear & Explosive
Hands-On Tabletop Training & Full-Scale Exercises
Business Continuity of Operations
All Hazard ICS Position Specific (Section Chiefs, Branch, Division/Groups, Unit Leaders, etc.)
Incident Command System (ICS)
Law Enforcement Incident Command System (LEICS)
School/Educational Facilities Incident Command System (SCICS)
Public Works Incident Command System (PWICS)
Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)
Mass Casualty Incident Management
Homeland Security & Terrorism Preparedness
EOC/ICS Interface