The disaster/emergency management and business continuity communities are comprised of many different entities. These include government at all levels (e.g., federal, state/provincial, territorial, tribal, indigenous, and local); business and industry; non-governmental organizations; and individual citizens.

Continuity of Operations (COOP) are activities of individual departments and agencies and their sub-components to ensure that their essential functions are continued under all circumstances. This includes plans and procedures that delineate essential functions; specify succession to office and the emergency delegation of authority; provide for the safekeeping of vital records and databases; identify alternate operating facilities; provide for interoperable communications; and validate the capability through tests, training, and exercises.

Objectives of a COOP Plan

Ensure the safety of staff and visitors

Provide for the ability to continue essential operations

Provisions for the protection of critical equipment, records, & assets

Maintain efforts to minimize damage and losses

Provisions for an orderly response & recovery from any incident

Risk Assessments & Gap Analysis

Serve as a foundation for the continued survival of leadership

Assure compliance with legal & statutory requirements

Continuity of operations

Early Alert assists jurisdictions and businesses prepare to continue their minimum essential functions throughout the range of possible threats from natural disasters through acts of terrorism. Our Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning facilitates the performance of State and local government and private sector services during an emergency that may disrupt normal operations.

Working with you

We will work with individual departments and agencies to ensure a coherent and coordinated effort when dealing with emergencies. This is accomplished through the development of plans, comprehensive procedures, and provisions for alternate facilities, personnel, resources, interoperable communications, and vital records/databases.

Get in touch with Early Alert today