Professional Credentials

Early Alert, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary, All Hazard Training (AHT), comprises of an elite team of widely respected professionals in the emergency management industry.

    Early Alert is proud to say these highly skilled practitioners include Certified Emergency Managers with extensive federal, state, and local experience, teams of meteorologists, with decades of experience working within the highest echelons of government service, All Hazard Instructors and Master Exercise Practitioners, All Hazard Planners, Analysts, Program Managers and a wide variety of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) located across the nation. This “multi-discipline” advantage provides the flexibility to serve our clients’ needs with the best and most appropriate expertise. Each emergency deployment presents a unique set of challenges; the Early Alert “Best Practices” model for effective deployment ensures the expertise required for the job at hand is available in the timeliest manner.

Sample of Early Alert’s Higher Education and National Certifications:

Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science

Master’s Degree in Industrial Management–Safety

Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Science and Mathematics

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

Bachelor's Degree in Science in Geological Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Science Management, and Safety Technology

Bachelor’s Degree in Meteorology

Associate's Degree of Science in Emergency Services

National Certified Emergency Manager (CEM)

National Certified Public Manager (CPM)

National Certified Supervisory Manager (CSM)

National Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM)

Certified Municipal Clerk

Certified Business Continuity Professional

Certified Business Continuity Lead Auditor

NFPA 1600 “Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity/Continuity of Operations Programs``


Advanced Incident Management and Unified Command

Command and Control of Major Operations

Continuity of Operations Professional Development Series

Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP)

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

National Incident Management System (NIMS) IS-700

National Response Framework IS-800

Incident Command System (ICS) 100 through 400

L-449 ICS Master/Lead Instructor

Executive Analysis of Fire Service Operations in Emergency Management

Command and Control of Fire Department Operations at Natural and Man-made Disasters (R308)

All-Hazards ICS Position Specific & TtT:

O-305 | AHIMT USFA Type 3 Incident Management Team (AHIMT O-305)

L-950 All-Hazards Incident Commander (IC)

L-952 All-Hazards Public Information Officer (PIO)

L-954 All-Hazards Safety Officer (SOFR)

L-956 All-Hazards Liaison Officer (LOFR)

L-958 All-Hazards Operations Section Chief (OSC)

L-960 All-Hazards Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)

L-962 All-Hazards Planning Section Chief (PSC)

L-964 All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

L-965 All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader (RESL)

L-967 All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief (LSC)

L-969 All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML)

L-970 All-Hazards Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)

L-971 All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)

L-973 All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief (FSC)

L-975 All-Hazards Finance/Administration Unit Leaders (FAUL)

L-984 All-Hazards Task Force/Strike Team Leader (TF/ST)

L-947 Emergency Operations Center– Incident Management Team Interface

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