NEOM Weather Website Disclaimer:
The information presented on the site is the most up-to-date available at the time of release. Due to the uncertainty and chaotic nature of weather and other environmental conditions, it is recommended that this NEOM Weather website, associated webpage information and content be used for preparedness and/or planning purposes only and not verbatim or a precise expectation.
Early Alert (EA) endeavors to ensure, but cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, accessibility, integrity and timeliness of the information available on the NEOM Weather website. EA may make changes to the content of this website at any time without notice.
Most of the information provided on this NEOM Weather website comes from numerical weather forecast models.
All climatic and meteorological models are incomplete representations of reality, and they cannot apprehend the full complexity of weather systems. All models are of limited resolution and had inherent limitations in simulating the chaotic behavior of weather.
Yet, models are powerful tools and the best available to forecast weather a few days in advance. Every effort will be used to present the information provided by those models accurately and timely, but we cannot be held responsible for any discrepancy between models and reality.
EA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find with the map, data layers, weather modeling on this site.
The server for this site is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Timely delivery of data and products from this server through the Internet is not guaranteed.
Before using information obtained from this NEOM Weather website, special attention should be given to the date and time of the data and products being displayed.
YOUR USE OF THESE SITE AND ASSOCIATED WEB PAGES, DATA LAYERS AND ANY SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT ACQUIRED FROM THE NEOM WEATHER SITE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. The user assumes the entire risk related to its use of information on these NEOM Weather Web pages. EA provides such information “as is,” and EA disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will EA be liable to you or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages or lost profit resulting from any use or misuse of this data.
Maps Disclaimer
The presentation of NEOM Weather material therein does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of EA concerning the legal status of any country, area or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its borders. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown on maps and included in lists, tables, documents, and databases on this website are not warranted to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by EA.
Use of Third-Party Data and Products
Third-party information and imagery are used under license by the individual third-party provider. This third-party information may contain trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features to identify the source of the information. This does not imply an endorsement of the third-party data/products or their provider by EA. Please contact the third-party provider for information on your rights to further use these data/products.
Browser Compatibility Statement
We recognize that our users may have various Internet Browsers and Operating Systems. We like our visitors to have the best possible experience on the web when using our Site. However, we do recognize that it is impossible to develop applications that work identically, efficiently and effectively on all web browsers.
The NEOM Weather website supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer 10+, Mozilla Firefox 29+, Chrome 34+ and any other modern web browser compatible with HTML5 and CSS3.